Why do men send dick pics?

Classic Pose

The “classic” pose. Lay on your back and just snap.

You’ve started a conversation with a guy online, things are going well and he seems very put together. The exchanges between you are cute and funny. Out of nowhere you receive a notification that he has sent you a picture. You take a sip of your skinny latte and you open up the message, you’re using the wifi at your local coffee shop which is slow so you are unable to see the picture straight away. Your device buffers and you finally see the top half of the picture. You were expecting his face but you see nothing, the first third of the picture is revealed and you can now make out a chest of drawers. A bit bizarre but you can’t judge until you see the full picture and then halfway down the screen as the picture becomes clearer you see a small dot, hmm it looks like a thumb. Strange, you think to yourself and just when everybody in the country is standing behind you, the wifi fixes itself and works with miraculous speed to reveal a DICK PIC!

‘I wanted her to see what she was missing’. By that he meant that if all else failed the sight of his penis might ignite some desire in her and send her running in his direction. On this occasion it didn’t go to plan.

Blue Steel Pose

This is the “blue steel” of poses. If you work out and you want to show the full package off then this angle apparently shows you in your best light.

You’re shocked as you haven’t initiated this exchange. You consign this guy to the reject pile and you start to wonder why he sent you the message in the first place. You can’t get the image out of your head but you cannot look again as you’re in a public place surrounded by tons of people who have seen your screen but are feigning ignorance. It’s not the first time this has happened to you. You’ve never asked to see a guy’s pecker that you have been engaged in a virtual conversation with. The good news (if you can call it that) is that you are not alone. I’ve lost count of the amount of times that I have been approached by a female friend who has asked me, ‘Why do guys send dick pics?’

I have heard every version of this story there is and have sadly seen plenty of accompanying pictures too. In fact when I first let it be known that I was writing this article I was inundated with dick pics and I will be sharing some of those with you as I have noticed that there are some very common poses that men adopt before they send the money shot but before I do that I bring you the reason that men send dick pics. I did what any serious journalist would do and approached a group of guys on a stag do with a proposition. I’d buy them a round of shots if they came clean about the reason they felt the need to send pictures of their cocks to prospective girlfriends and also what impact they wanted the pictures to have.

Shadow Pose

Casting a shadow is meant to reinforce the size in the woman’s mind. Not sure why there are pictures of his children in the background though.

A bit of knowledge that I stumbled across was that there were 2 categories of dick pic senders. The first are those that have been continuously ignored by a woman that they are interested in and the second is the one that just sends it to “spice up the conversation”. There is of course a third which is, the consensual cock shot but that’s self-explanatory and I was more interested in the dark side of the dick pic world.

Strange, you think to yourself and just when everybody in the country is standing behind you, the wifi fixes itself and works with miraculous speed to reveal a DICK PIC!

The first guy I spoke with had this to say, ‘I was speaking with a bird and then she went cold turkey. Just stopped responding to my messages and so I whipped out my cock and sent her a picture. Thought that if she missed my other messages, she definitely wouldn’t miss this one.’ And what was he hoping the desired result would be? ‘I wanted her to see what she was missing’. By that he meant that if all else failed the sight of his penis might ignite some desire in her and send her running in his direction. On this occasion it didn’t go to plan.

Blue Steel Pose 2

“Blue steel 2” you haven’t got time to get starker’s and so you just drop down and snap, must include abs obviously.

The next guy had been speaking with a girl and actually went on a date with her which went well, they shared a kiss and he was hoping to take things further the next time he saw her. ‘I wanted to sleep with this girl because she was hot and after we kissed I thought sex was on the cards the next time we saw each other so I thought I’d give her a preview of my goods. I also sent it because I thought that she would send me pictures of her naked in return’ He didn’t get a picture in return, he instead got a message from her saying that it was probably best that they never saw each other again.

Three shots in and I am now an honorary member of the stag party (that is until they head to their next venue) and tongues are starting to loosen. Another member of the group volunteered his dick pic strategy. ‘I’m not looking for anything serious at the moment so for me it’s harmless fun. I send about 20 dick pics a day until I find the freak that will send some pictures of her tits and there is always one’ He proved this by showing me the pictures that he had received from girls that were willing to entertain this virtual exchange of flesh.

‘Guys send dick pics because most of the time we are judged by what we do for a living, how much money we have in the bank and how big our penises are, sending a girl a picture of your bank balance or job description is dull so you are left with only one option and you better make sure that the lighting’s good’

Mystery pose

A little bit of mystery here, you show just enough of the face but not enough to be identifiable in a line up

One of the guys said he had a collection of dick pics which he had taken that were ready to send and if he felt that the moment required it, he would fire off one of the pics from his stash. It turned out that he wasn’t the only one and in fact it is very common to have a ready saved set of pics to send. There are even “good sides” similar to when you are taking a selfie! This announcement was greeted with high fives and our group was making so much noise that we were soon joined by curious onlookers who wanted to participate in our conversation. Yes, many men agreed that they had favourite poses.

Another answer that I received was from a man who considered himself a bit of a dick pic intellectual. ‘Guys send dick pics because most of the time we are judged by what we do for a living, how much money we have in the bank and how big our penises are, sending a girl a picture of your bank balance or job description is dull so you are left with only one option and you better make sure that the lighting’s good’

Well ladies I’d like to say that I got the ultimate answer about the whole dick pic scene but I think I scratched the surface. The general gist that I got was that it was fun and games and it was about glorifying manhood. All the guys were proud of the aesthetics of their genitals and there was a lot of comparisons that took place. At least my presence added an unusual dimension to some poor guys stag do. I’m just as perplexed as I was when I used to work in a phone shop. This was when camera phones first came out and a guy asked me if I’d ever taken a picture of my nether regions. I thought he was weird, little did I know that he was actually ahead of his time. Why do men send dick pics? Who knows?

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